PIXELated PETS™ 'PET of the Month' contest!

PIXELated PETS ‘Pet of the Month’ Contest
What is the PIXELated PETS™ 'Pet of the Month Contest'?
If you have a cat or a dog or any other house dwelling pet that is silly, funny, mean or grumpy-we want to know about it! What story about your Pet makes you shake your head? What pet story made you laugh so hard you hoped someone saw it too!? Perhaps you have a funny pairing of Pet sets-- Maybe you have a cat and a dog? A bird and a cat? A hamster and a dog? What do they do that have yourself laughing when you should be focused on your kid’s homework assignment?
Each month PIXELated PETS™ has a contest for the funniest Pet story! The winner will have a specially designed character that will become a PIXELated PET and will be featured on multiple products. Please note that every effort to capture your animal’s likeness is our goal, but if we already have 3 Siamese cat designs, we will most likely work to capture the story that you send in and design a cat that is a bit more unique to the brand.
Each winning submission will receive a T-shirt from the PIXELated PETS™ store of the winning Pet’s design! Your Pet will be given a PIXELated PETS™ alias name in the theme of the PIXELated PETS™ brand.

How to Submit your Pet Story to the PIXELated PETS™
Contest submission:
- Find an image or short video of your animal doing the special thing he/she does. If you are unable to catch them in the act, a photo of your pet will do. Please only send digital photos and/or digital videos. Real photos will not be returned.
2. Write up a small but descriptive story about how your pet cracks you up or makes your head spin in wonder! We want to know why you think your pet would make a great character in the PIXELated PETS™ brand!
3. Send your story, image or movie of your animal to ‘info@PIXELatedPETS.com’.
In the Subject Field please note the name of the contest (Pet of the Month) the name of Month and Year you are submitting for, followed by the word ‘Submission’. For example:
Subject: Pet of the Month, July of 2021 Submission
Each month a winner will be chosen three weeks prior to the end of the next Winner’s month. Below are the calendar submission dates for the year of 2021:
To win in July of 2021, last day to submit is June 4, 2021
To win in August of 2021, last day to submit is July 9, 2021
To win in September of 2021, last day to submit is August 6, 2021
To win in October of 2021, last day to submit is September 03, 2021
To win in November of 2021, last day to submit is October 8, 2021
To win in December of 2021, last day to submit is November 5, 2021
These dates will help ensure that the new artwork for Pet of the Month will be ready on the first day of each month!